Graduate Certificate in Digital Sociology

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The emerging field of digital sociology affords students opportunities to ask fundamental questions about the social impacts of information technology while learning cutting-edge digital social research skills. Digital sociology thus serves as a bridge between the social sciences on the one side, and data science and computer science on the other. The ranks of social scientists working in technology and related sectors is growing, and social scientists with training in technology and business are in especially high demand. This trend was described recently in a Medium article by Matthew Rafalow of Google.

Digital sociology courses are offered by the Department of Sociology at UNT-Denton and the Interdisciplinary Studies Program at UNT-Frisco. The digital sociology certificate is part of the UNT Digital Social Science initiative. Topics covered include:

The four-course Digital Sociology Graduate Certificate provides a cutting-edge combination of social science theory and methods with the foundations of data science. The knowledge and skills acquired in this program position students to work in fields that value combinations of social science and data science skills. The certificate is a stand-alone program, and the courses taken for this certificate count toward the Sociology MA and MS degrees.

Applications to the UNT Digital Sociology Certificate Program can be submitted online at the Graduate School website, under Graduate Academic Certificate.

Current UNT graduate students can submit applications to the UNT Digital Sociology Certificate Program at the Graduate School website, under Concurrent Admission.

Required courses (6 credit hours):

Statistics and Methods required courses (3 credit hours):

Substantive required courses (3 credit hours):

See the Course Description page and the Digital Social Science Program page for additional information. View profiles of some of our alumni and instructors here!

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