LLC Operating Agreement in Texas – Free Template (2024)

Steve Goldstein

Steve Goldstein Business Formation Expert

Steve Goldstein runs LLCBuddy, helping entrepreneurs set up their LLCs easily. He offers clear guides, articles, and FAQs to simplify the process. His team keeps everything accurate and current, focusing on state rules, registered agents, and compliance. Steve’s passion for helping businesses grow makes LLCBuddy a go-to resource for starting and managing an LLC.

Business Formation Expert | Fact Checked by Editorial Staff

Last updated: Aug 15, 2024 Aug 15, 2024


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An operating agreement in Texas is one of the most important yet not necessary documents that every LLC is familiar with. In Texas, if you’re looking to form a Limited Liability Company, you must draft the operating agreement. In Texas, it is not mandatory to draft one. Having an operating agreement leads to the formation of a well-organized LLC.

As the LLCBuddy editors did their research on the document, it has a list of key components that must be written while drafting the operating agreement. In this article, all the ins and outs are shared about Texas LLC operating agreement. You can download a Free LLC Operating Agreement Template on this page.

What is an LLC Operating Agreement in Texas

When you form an LLC in Texas, drafting an operating agreement is one important task for you. An LLC Operating Agreement in Texas is a legal document that outlines the ownership and operating procedures of a Limited Liability Company. It serves as a contract between the LLC members, detailing how the company will be run and how various business situations will be handled. While not all states require LLCs to have a formal Operating Agreement, having one is highly recommended for all LLCs, regardless of size or number of members.

Key points about LLC Operating Agreements:

Download Free Operating Agreement Template for Texas LLC

You can now download a free template of an operating agreement for your LLC in Texas. Get the PDF form from the link shared below. This is absolutely free and can be used as per your LLC’s requirements.

Disclaimer: This template is a general guide and should be created to the specific needs and criteria of your LLC. Legal advice is recommended to ensure that the operating agreement complies with Texas state laws and meets the requirements of all members involved.

operating agreement

Get Professional Help

When we talk about filing any business document, especially something that is part of an internal affair, it is suggested to get professional services. There are a bunch of best LLC services in Texas that offer operating agreement templates and help you draft them. Some service providers, such as ZenBusiness offer operating agreement services at an additional charge if you form your LLC. If you purchase their top-tier LLC formation packages, this service is included in the package.

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Key Components of an LLC Operating Agreement in Texas

A comprehensive LLC Operating Agreement in Texas typically includes several essential components. Let’s explore each of these in detail:

0. Definition of Terms

Before we proceed to the main components, here is an important one: ‘Definitions’. Some LLCs in Texas prefer to add this part to their operating agreement for the clarity of the documents and what is written inside it. In this section, the definitions of terms, words, and phrases are explained in relation to the limited liability company, the owner(s), members, managers, agents, and business.

1. Basic LLC Information

This section provides fundamental details about the LLC:

Write the Operating Agreement

2. Ownership Structure

This component outlines how the LLC is owned:

Table: Example of Ownership Structure

Member NameOwnership PercentageMembership Type
John Doe40%Voting
Jane Smith35%Voting
ABC Corp25%Non-voting

3. Management Structure

This section defines how the LLC will be managed:

4. Capital Contributions

This component details the financial investments made by members:

5. Profit and Loss Allocation

This section outlines how the company’s profits and losses will be distributed among members:

6. Distributions

This component covers how and when profits will be distributed to members:

7. Membership Changes

This section addresses how changes in membership are handled:

8. Dissolution and Liquidation

This component outlines the process for winding up the LLC’s affairs:

9. Dispute Resolution

This section provides mechanisms for resolving conflicts:

10. Amendment Procedures

This component specifies how the Operating Agreement can be changed:

How to Draft an LLC Operating Agreement in Texas

As mentioned, this document does not need to be filed with the state. Drafting an effective LLC Operating Agreement requires careful consideration and attention to detail. It is recommended to get professional help for the documentation. Here are steps to guide you through the process:

  1. Gather Information: Collect all necessary information about the LLC and its members, including business purpose, ownership structure, and management preferences.
  2. Review State Laws: Familiarize yourself with the LLC laws in your state to ensure compliance and take advantage of any beneficial provisions.
  3. Use a Template or Seek Professional Help: While templates can be a good starting point, consider consulting with an attorney to ensure the agreement meets your specific needs.
  4. Include All Essential Components: Ensure all key components discussed earlier are addressed in the agreement.
  5. Customize for Your Business: Tailor the agreement to your specific business needs, considering factors like industry, size, and long-term goals.
  6. Address Potential Scenarios: Think through various scenarios that could affect the business and include provisions to handle them.
  7. Be Clear and Specific: Use clear, unambiguous language to prevent misinterpretation.
  8. Review and Revise: Have all members review the draft and provide input. Revise as necessary to address concerns.
  9. Consider Future Needs: Draft the agreement with potential future changes in mind, such as the growth or addition of new members.
  10. Execute Properly: Ensure all members sign the agreement. While notarization is typically not required, it can add an extra layer of authenticity.

Optional Provisions in an LLC Operating Agreement in Texas

While the components mentioned above are essential, many LLCs in Texas choose to include additional provisions to address specific needs or concerns related to their members or LLCs:

operating agreement

  1. Confidentiality and Non-Compete Clauses
  2. Intellectual Property Rights
  3. Indemnification Provisions
  4. Tax Elections
  5. Succession Planning
  6. Special Allocations
  7. Drag-Along and Tag-Along Rights
  8. Reserve Requirements
  9. Meeting Procedures
  10. Records and Reporting

Requirements for LLC Operating Agreements in Texas

While the basic structure of an LLC Operating Agreement is similar across the United States, individual states may have specific requirements or default rules that can affect how these agreements are drafted.

In Texas, filing an operating agreement while forming an LLC is not mandatory to draft one. As mentioned earlier, having an operating agreement makes the LLC well-organized and transparent. One of the most important points in an operating agreement is the LLC tax structure in Texas. Having an LLC operating agreement (even though it is not mandatory) is very important while forming an LLC in Texas.

It’s crucial to consult the specific laws of the Texas where the LLC is formed when drafting an Operating Agreement. This ensures compliance with state-specific requirements and takes advantage of any beneficial provisions in state law.

Importance of an LLC Operating Agreement in Texas

The significance of an LLC Operating Agreement cannot be overstated. Here are several reasons why having a well-drafted Operating Agreement is crucial:

  1. Establishes Structure: It clearly defines the company’s management structure, roles, and responsibilities.
  2. Protects Limited Liability Status: A comprehensive Operating Agreement helps maintain the separation between the LLC and its members, reinforcing the limited liability protection.
  3. Prevents Conflicts: By clearly outlining procedures for various scenarios, it helps prevent and resolve disputes among members.
  4. Customizes Rules: It allows members to create rules tailored to their specific needs, rather than relying on default state laws.
  5. Attracts Investors: A well-structured Operating Agreement can make the LLC more attractive to potential investors or buyers.
  6. Facilitates Business Operations: It provides a roadmap for day-to-day operations and decision-making processes.
  7. Ensures Continuity: The agreement can include provisions for business continuity in case of member departure or other significant events.
  8. Clarifies Financial Matters: It specifies how profits, losses, and distributions will be handled, preventing financial disagreements.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in LLC Operating Agreements in Texas

When drafting an LLC Operating Agreement, it’s important to be aware of common pitfalls. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  1. Being Too Vague: Lack of specificity can lead to misunderstandings and disputes. Be clear and detailed in all provisions.
  2. Failing to Address Exit Strategies: Not including procedures for member withdrawal or company dissolution can lead to complications later.
  3. Ignoring State-Specific Requirements: Each state has its own LLC laws. Failing to comply with these can invalidate parts of your agreement.
  4. Overlooking Tax Implications: The Operating Agreement should align with your intended tax treatment (e.g., partnership vs. corporation).
  5. Neglecting to Plan for Growth: Failing to include provisions for adding new members or changing the management structure can hinder future expansion.
  6. Inconsistent Provisions: Ensure all parts of the agreement work together cohesively without contradictions.
  7. Inadequate Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Without clear conflict resolution procedures, minor disagreements can escalate into major legal battles.
  8. Ignoring Intellectual Property: Failing to address ownership and use of intellectual property can lead to disputes, especially in technology-based businesses.
  9. Not Considering Different Classes of Membership: If you plan to have different types of members (e.g., managing vs. silent partners), this should be clearly defined.
  10. Failing to Update: An Operating Agreement should be a living document, updated as the business evolves. Neglecting to do so can leave it outdated and less useful.
  11. Overcomplicating the Agreement: While comprehensive, the agreement should still be understandable. Overly complex language can lead to confusion.
  12. Not Addressing Capital Calls: Failing to outline procedures for additional capital contributions can lead to funding issues.
  13. Neglecting Confidentiality: Not including provisions to protect sensitive business information can put the company at risk.
  14. Failing to Define Voting Rights Clearly: Ambiguity in voting procedures can lead to deadlocks in decision-making.
  15. Not Considering Buy-Sell Scenarios: Failing to address how ownership interests can be bought or sold can lead to complications if a member wants to exit.

Texas Details for LLC Formation


Does Texas require LLCs to have an operating agreement?

No, the state of Texas does not require LLCs to have an operating agreement, but it is highly recommended to have one in place to outline the internal workings of the company.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas govern monetary contributions from members?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can outline the monetary contributions that each member is required to make to the company.

Are Texas LLC operating agreements filed with the state? No, Texas LLC operating agreements are not required to be filed with the state. Does the operating agreement of an LLC in Texas need to be notarized? No, the operating agreement of an LLC in Texas does not need to be notarized. Can a Texas LLC operating agreement outline the management structure of the company?

Yes, a Texas LLC operating agreement can outline the management structure of the company, including the roles and responsibilities of each member.

Is it possible to amend an operating agreement of an LLC in Texas?

Yes, an operating agreement of an LLC in Texas can be amended, but it typically requires the approval of all members.

Can a non-member sign the operating agreement of an LLC in Texas?

Yes, a non-member can sign the operating agreement of an LLC in Texas, but they are not considered a party to the agreement.

Does the operating agreement of a Texas LLC need to be written?

Yes, the operating agreement of a Texas LLC should be in writing to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes.

Can a Texas LLC operating agreement establish voting procedures?

Yes, a Texas LLC operating agreement can establish voting procedures to govern decision-making within the company.

Is there a specific template for an LLC operating agreement in Texas?

While there is no specific template required, it is recommended to tailor the operating agreement to the specific needs of the LLC operating in Texas.

Are there any specific requirements for the contents of an LLC operating agreement in Texas?

While there are no specific requirements, it is important to cover key areas such as management structure, profit distribution, and dispute resolution.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas protect the personal assets of members?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can help protect the personal assets of members by clearly outlining the business and personal assets of the company.

Is it necessary to have an attorney review the operating agreement of an LLC in Texas?

While not required, it is highly recommended to have an attorney review the operating agreement to ensure it complies with Texas laws and accurately reflects the intentions of the members.

Can a Texas LLC operating agreement address how the company will be dissolved?

Yes, a Texas LLC operating agreement can outline the procedures for dissolving the company, including the distribution of assets and the notification of creditors.

Can an operating agreement of an LLC in Texas specify the financial obligations of members?

Yes, an operating agreement of an LLC in Texas can specify the financial obligations of members, such as capital contributions and profit distribution.

Can a Texas LLC operating agreement include non-compete clauses?

Yes, a Texas LLC operating agreement can include non-compete clauses to protect the company’s interests and prevent members from competing against the LLC.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas address the admission of new members?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can outline the procedures for admitting new members, including the voting process and capital requirements.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas specify the duties and responsibilities of managers?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can specify the duties and responsibilities of managers, including decision-making authority and reporting requirements.

Are there any restrictions on the content of an LLC operating agreement in Texas?

While there are no specific restrictions, it is important to ensure that the operating agreement complies with Texas laws and accurately reflects the intentions of the members.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas include provisions for resolving disputes?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can include provisions for resolving disputes, such as mediation or arbitration, to avoid costly litigation.

Can Texas LLC operating agreements address the transfer of ownership interests?

Yes, Texas LLC operating agreements can address the transfer of ownership interests, including restrictions on who can become a member and the approval process for transferring ownership.

Does an LLC operating agreement in Texas need to be filed with the IRS?

No, an LLC operating agreement in Texas does not need to be filed with the IRS, but it should be kept on record for internal purposes and to settle any disputes.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas outline the procedures for amending the agreement?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can outline the procedures for amending the agreement, including the approval process and the required majority vote.

Can a Texas LLC operating agreement include provisions for member buyouts?

Yes, a Texas LLC operating agreement can include provisions for member buyouts, outlining the process for buying out a member’s ownership interest in the company.

Can an operating agreement of an LLC in Texas address the distribution of profits and losses?

Yes, an operating agreement of an LLC in Texas can address the distribution of profits and losses among members, outlining how income and expenses will be allocated.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas outline the procedures for holding meetings?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can outline the procedures for holding meetings, including the frequency, notice requirements, and voting procedures.

Can an LLC operating agreement in Texas address the withdrawal of a member?

Yes, an LLC operating agreement in Texas can address the withdrawal of a member, outlining the process for a member to voluntarily leave the company.

Does the operating agreement of an LLC in Texas need to be executed in the presence of a witness?

No, the operating agreement of an LLC in Texas does not need to be executed in the presence of a witness, but it is advisable to have all members sign the agreement.

What is an LLC operating agreement in Texas?

An LLC operating agreement in Texas is a legal document that outlines the ownership structure and operating procedures of a limited liability company in Texas.

Do I need an operating agreement for my LLC in Texas?

While Texas does not legally require LLCs to have operating agreements, it is highly recommended to have one to clarify the management and ownership structure of the company.

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In Conclusion

An LLC Operating Agreement is a foundational document that plays a crucial role in the smooth operation and long-term success of a Limited Liability Company. It provides a framework for ownership, management, and operations, helping to prevent conflicts and ensure all members are on the same page regarding the company’s governance.

Key takeaways include:

As businesses grow and change, so too should their Operating Agreements. Regular review and updates ensure that this vital document continues to serve its purpose, protecting the interests of all members and supporting the ongoing success of the LLC. Remember, while the process of creating an Operating Agreement may seem daunting, the security and clarity it provides are well worth the effort.