International applications

Everyone has a different reason for choosing to study at Griffith University. For some it’s about the opportunity to live in one of the world’s most iconic locations. For others it’s because of Griffith’s famous student support, industry connections and highly-awarded teachers. Or what matters could simply be about getting a good job and making your family proud. Whether it’s about looking after the planet, or looking after your career, whatever matters to you, Griffith University can help you make it happen.

What program are you applying for?

Undergraduate or postgraduate study


Study abroad and exchange

English language courses

How to apply for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees

With applications open all year round for most programs, you can quickly complete your international undergraduate or postgraduate application by following these simple steps. 1. Choose your degree 2. Check entry requirements 3. Check if you are eligible for credit 4. Prepare supporting documents 5. Submit your application

1. Choose your degree

At Griffith we offer hundreds of study options. Our study website will help you find the best degree for you.

2. Check entry requirements

You will need to meet the academic and English language entry requirements. Check the 'How to Apply' section of your degree webpage to view the requirements.

Griffith offers a range of admission pathways to help you achieve your study goals. Griffith English Language Institute If you do not meet the minimum English language requirements, you may complete the Direct Entry Program at Griffith English Language Institute. The duration of your English study will vary depending on your current level of English. Learn more Griffith College If you do not meet the academic entry criteria for your degree, Griffith College offers a range of pathway programs that provide access to Griffith University degrees. Learn more

English entry requirements

For programs requiring an IELTS 6.5 overall with no sub test less than 6.0 (as reflected in the degree webpage): A minimum grade of C in units 3+4 for English, English as an additional language, an interstate equivalent of these subjects or an approved English language test.

For higher IELTS requirement programs, please refer to the degree webpage.

3. Check if you are eligible for credit

If you have existing formal qualifications or relevant work experience, you may be eligible to receive credit and reduce the duration of your study.

Check the Credit Precedent Database for information on approved credit transfer decisions that may apply to your situation.

You can request to be assessed for credit when you submit your application. You may be required to supply detailed course outlines of your previous qualification(s) in English. No credit pre-assessments can be undertaken, and this means you must submit an application to receive a credit outcome.

If you are successful in receiving credit, you will receive a Notification of Credit Transfer entitlement when you receive your Letter of Offer.

4. Prepare supporting documentation

To apply, you will need to provide the following documents, translated into English if appropriate:

If you have not yet received your final results, you can still apply. Please include the name of your qualification and the date your results will be available.

If you are applying through a Griffith registered agent or provider, they can assist with the required documents.

You don’t need to provide transcripts for previous study completed at Griffith University. You will still need to provide transcripts for other tertiary study you may have undertaken at different institutions.

You can provide your supporting documentation through My eQuals, which allows you to share electronic transcripts and graduation documents securely.

Sponsored students must also supply documents confirming the:

A certified copy is a photocopy of an original document that has been verified as a true copy of the original by an authorised person.

To get your documents certified:

1. Make a legible photocopy of your original document.

2. Take both the original document and the photocopy to the certifier.

3. The certifier will need to sight your original document and the photocopy. On each page of the photocopy, the certifier must include:

Note: If your original document is in a language other than English, you will need to provide a certified copy of the original along with a certified translation.

Persons authorised to certify documents:


5. Submit your application

Apply online or through a Griffith registered agent or provider.

If you are an international student studying at an Australian high school this year, apply through QTAC.