Applying for a Home

We participate in the Common Housing Register in North Lanarkshire, which means that if you wish to apply to a number of landlords, including North Lanarkshire Council, then you need only complete one application form.

Two ladies looking at mobile phone

If you, or a member of your household, are affected by difficulties relating to illness or disability and your current home is therefore unsuitable; then please complete a Health and Housing Need Application for each person affected within your household.

You can download the Common Housing Register and Health and Housing Need form or collect a form directly from the office.

Applying for one of our properties, unfortunately does not guarantee an allocation as we have greater demand than available homes for let. We will acknowledge receipt of your application and discuss housing options with you after your housing application has been assessed. We can also give you advice on other housing options such as alternative social landlords, mutual exchanges and accessing the private rented sector.

Due to our low number of properties within the South Lanarkshire area please apply directly to South Lanarkshire Council using the South Lanarkshire Council Homefinder Application Form.

Our Mission

To provide good quality, affordable housing services in strong local communities within a voluntary framework of governance, along with associated commercial services of social value through a wholly owned subsidiary company.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

To Read

Legal Information

Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014: Reg. No. 1941R(S)

Registered as a Scottish Charity: Reg. No. (SC042523)

Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator: Social Landlord No. 202

Registered under the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011: Reg. No. PF000275

191 Brandon Street, Motherwell, Lanarkshire ML1 1RS Tel: 01698 269119