Brad appleton titled a software design specification template

Research paper thumbnail of Getting Ready to Work: Patterns for a Developer's Workspace

The way software developers work day-to-day has a major impact on the speed and quality of produc. more The way software developers work day-to-day has a major impact on the speed and quality of product development. Workspace management and version control bridge the gap between architecture, process, and the code. But these issues are often ignored. This paper presents a pattern language for constructing a productive developer workspace, tying the workspace structures together with architecture and configuration management. While organizational support for developer productivity is always helpful, you can apply these patterns, even if you are a developer working on your own.

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Research paper thumbnail of Patterns and Software: Essential Concepts and Terminology

that provides a short summary or overview. This gives readers a clear picture of the pattern and . more that provides a short summary or overview. This gives readers a clear picture of the pattern and quickly informs them of its relevance to any problems they may wish to solve (sometimes such a description is called a thumbnail sketch of the pattern, or a pattern thumbnail). A pattern should identify its target audience and make clear what it assumes of the reader. Qualities of a Pattern In addition to containing the aforementioned components, a well written pattern should exhibit several desirable qualities. Doug Lea, in his paper "Christopher Alexander: an Introduction for Object-Oriented Designers" provides a detailed description of these qualities (which are summarized below): Encapsulation and Abstraction Each pattern encapsulates a well-defined problem and its solution in a particular domain. Patterns should provide crisp, clear boundaries that help crystallize the problem space and the solution space by parceling the, into a lattice of distinct, interconnected fragmen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Getting Ready to Work: Patterns for a Developer's Workspace

The way software developers work d ay-to-day has a major impact on the speed and quality of produ. more The way software developers work d ay-to-day has a major impact on the speed and quality of product development. Workspace management and version control bridge the gap between architecture, process, and the code. But these issues are often ignored. This paper presents a pattern language for constructing a productive developer workspace, tying the workspace structures together with architecture a nd configuration management. While organizational support for developer productivity is always helpful, you can apply these patterns, even if you are a developer working on your own.

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Research paper thumbnail of Software Reconstruction: Patterns for Reproducing Software Builds

Software systems, as abstract, non-tangible entities, should be able to be constructed faster and. more Software systems, as abstract, non-tangible entities, should be able to be constructed faster and more efficiently compared to tangible objects. However, software systems are actually more difficult to assemble. Tangible objects have discrete components and are usually independent of their environment. Components contributing to the build of a software system are not limited to source code; moreover, they are not always obvious. Software that has been built often cannot be reconstructed later. The software configuration management patterns described here examine and resolve some of the forces regarding the reconstruction of software systems.